You Make Your Own Luck

By stanstodd

Flamborough Lighthouse

I slept over in Bridlington last night, I had a fantastic day and went to bed as normal. At 4.30am I awoke for some reason, I don't know why, I thought to myself I will get up at Sunrise and go photograph Flamborough Lighthouse. I went back to sleep but at 6.10am I awoke again, pondered for a minute or two and got up and I'm glad I did.

Flamborough was only a five minute drive up the road. As I was driving there the sky was starting to light up. I parked up and got my Camera & Tripod out and quickly set up as the sky was starting to get more colourful by the second.

After about 15mins the clouds changed they became less dramatic above the Lighthouse but as I looked out to sea the Sun was just starting to strike above the low clouds. So I quickly walked towards the cliff top to capture more shots.

This is another from this MORNING.

I could not wait to get back to the caravan and download the shots to my laptop.

Thank yo for your comments on yesterdays blip.

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