
By Poppy

Book Sale

Today, while Himself valiantly battled with plasterboard, I had a stall at the big book sale in the village hall. You have never seen so many second hand books - goodness knows where they had all come from! As well as second hand books there were a few other stalls selling hand printed and hand bound books, prints, local and rare books. Throughout the day there were talks by and about Orcadian writers, scary story telling for the smaller folk and the cafe was open, selling soup, puddings, cakes and homebakes! I did a stint serving in there and got a doggy bag to bring back to my boys (Mike & Ollie)!

It was really busy, lots of folk had come from near and far, even other islands! We are hoping to make it an annual event. The hall got a grant a few years ago and was completely renovated and it's great to see it being used and a hive of activity.

Oh, and yes, I sold some covered notebooks and managed not to spend all the profit on yet more books!

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