accidental awesome

By alexamato

Cape Town, South Africa Trip Backblip:

Thursday, the 21st of October. We took a Township Tour through African Blue Tours, and this was the single most revealing part of our trip for me, by far.

Our guide took us through a few townships (shanty-towns, slums, whatever you want to call them) to see a completely different side of society. It was amazing and horrible at the same time.

I couldn't help but think, "What a bunch of assholes we are. A van full of well-off white people going to watch how poor black people live." It felt a bit more comforting as the driver explained that he came from the townships himself, and knew many of the people we were going to be visiting along the way.

You see poverty in movies, on television, but it's a hell of a different thing to be standing in front of it. Families of 5 or more living in a crudely-assembled shack made from scraps about the size of our living room. Electricity and running water are luxuries few have access to.

The whole experience really made me question what the hell we're doing as a society when so many have so little.

And being there....standing there......I really wondered how much of all that "aid" streaming into Africa through rock concerts, telethons, Gap t-shirts, much of that actually comes here? When I put a coin in the tin for Africa, is it making it to these people so they can feed and clothe their families? Or does it get swept up in an ocean of corruption and greed?

I don't know. But at the school we visited near the township of Langa, where I took this photo, we were given the address and bank details should we decide we want to donate to them directly.

I might even send them a few photos to add to their wall as well.

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