A Ramblers Tale

By ramblerstale


Sometimes I hear the whispers of your love and find
that I need relief from the world outside.
I'm ready for a change, ready to feel again.
I've watched you one by one take care of things in my life
that lead me from your door.
Now I just need the strength to carry on.

Pain I understand.
Numb I understand.
They are easy definitions of my state of being.
Easier to hide behind than the screams of the hurting dying and broken.

I knew the moment it changed, I felt it within my soul.
She changed the moment I asked for something more for her soul.
The moment I pushed one caring word to far and wanted for just a second now I fear what she thinks.
Thank you for removing it, thank you for taking it away.
Now give me the strength to heal again. To move on again.

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