Dr. J's Day

By JaniceNgan


Slept in again this morning....feels like I've just really needed it lately. I do feel like I'm on the mend and getting out of this funk.

Went and had b-fast at Randy's (or Ranay's according to my J-crew....), then off to a photog class at Photo Center NW. It was a groupon that Jer bought for me. It was an intro to DSLR, but I walked away having really understood the relationship between ISO-f stops-shutter speed. Probably something I should have learned 4 years ago.

I also learned how to get this shot. I love it. I know it may be simple, but I never knew how to do it until today. It was funny because the next shot I have of this biker is him smiling because he was the subject of about 10 people aiming their cameras at him and clicking away.

This course may have been a bit too basic for me (lots of new cameras and kit lenses), but it really broke down a lot of components of photography (like I never look at my histograms, or knew how to interpret them) and really re-energized my desire to get out and shoot. I know that was supposed to be my New Year's resolution (to spend a couple of hours per week to go out and take pics), but the year has slipped past me and this was a good reminder.

Anyway, made dinner at home tonight and off to bed to read. Yet another weekend gone by.

Good night.

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