The window to our world.

No movement on the building since friday as i have had to do the job that helps pay the bills. On Nights tonight and tomorrow so it looks like wednesday before we see any more progress.

The brickwork should be completed this week given a bit of decent (dry) weather, all the timber is ready for the roof so then we can make it watertight and start knocking the existing structure down from the inside. That's when we will be without central heating and hot water so that's when we'll start getting the frost i bet. We have plenty of 'Pullys' to wear and wood to burn though.

The window has been ordered, we will soon be able to sit behind it and view our 'estate' At the moment the 'estate' is a s**t tip as is the drive, the front garden and the garage. It will keep me out of mischief putting it right.

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