
By earthdreamer

The Kissing Gate of No Return

Dare you!

Thank you one and all for the wonderfully supportive comments you've been making over the last few days. I feel like I'm part of a fantastic family of people from all over the world - which I guess is quite true of this place really. Is there anywhere else quite like it on the entire internet?

Only managed a couple of hours sleep last night so I feel pretty zonked at the moment. Much as though I would love to start catching up with people I think I'm better off avoiding the computer tonight and getting an early night. The training went off ok. There were a few minor glitches but nothing serious, and the feedback was very good. I was still fixing things just a few minutes before it all started, but nobody was wise to that! I guess it's the same for every software development company. You might think that other people are more organised, plan better, test more thoroughly, but I suspect that we're all in the same boat. I kind of hope so anyway!

More to talk around that another day I think, but I'm keeping this short tonight. After last week's Ghost House I wanted to find an appropriate image for Halloween. I wonder if any of the local blippers and facebook followers will recognise this place. A prize for the first correct answer!

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