Opps I did it Again
Our tumble dryer is broke so my mother said she would dry our wet washing for us. When I picked it up it was neatly folded and packed up in this washing basket.
So I placed it on the front seat of my car and headed home. As I approached the house I spotted a turning spot hit the brakes and boom!!! It fell over!! I was not impressed. So I bundled it into the basket and told Leanne that she was not as good as my sister (she done it once and folded it all up) as she never folded it!!
Anyway this got me thinking to when I was a kid, we never had such machines and my mother would sometimes spend all day putting washing out on the line then rushing to get it back in as it started raining, only to put it back out when the sun broke through. These days our household really struggles when our dryer breaks down we both work full time and do not have the time to put the washing out and if we did if when the heavens opened we would be miles away so could not get it in.
This is the last day of October Origins and although I have not been able to post one every day it has always been in my mind to find an entry.
So I would like to thank the newly wed Anthony for starting yet another fun challenge and I hope you enjoy your Honeymoon with your lovely wife Dawn.
For more infomation on the October Challenge click on
Pontycyclops journal for all the info.
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