accidental awesome

By alexamato

Went out this afternoon in an effort to capture some of that autumn colour before it all lands on the ground.

The sun was hitting a tree at an interesting angle in front of that big office building on Lady Lawson Street, and I decided to snap a few shots of it.

Security then proceeded to approach me to ask what I was doing.

"I'm taking a photo of that tree right there."

"You're not taking photos of the building?"

"Well....yeah....I am, because the building's behind that tree. How is this a threat to the building?"

"Because I have some very important people in that building."

......yeah whatever. What I hate most is all the things you think to say after the moment's gone. Such as "Well surely if they're all that important and need protection then perhaps you should cover up all the windows, lest us commoners catch a glimpse of them."


"Well they might feel safe now with you out here preventing us photographer-types from taking photos, but that won't help them when I follow them home tonight and hide out in their back garden with my binoculars watching them have their family dinners."

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