Art project

lovely light this morning as Juno and I strode over the hill, we had some company at the end.

Work was a fire of fabulousness.

Ran up Arthur Seat today, it was the handicap but the route reversed whcih ment 2 steep ascents. I was buzzing and managed to come in first. mainly due to discovering the balls to run fast downhill again, overtook 3 on the last descent.

We had a fire alarm at work, we sat at our desk as the foreplay of the beep destroyed any concentration until the continous tone burst into life and we could evacuate. The stairs as usual were mobbed, in front of me was a women texting, holding everyone up, I could have pushed her down the stairs. Anyway 4 fire engines and a couple of firewomen, no idea what the source of the excitement was.

Pleasant walk home in the dark, local kids at the door which I don't mind, but when they bring all their pals from all over the place it pisses me off and mass gangs turn up.

Grumpy old man away to bed.

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