Ready, Steady, Go ...

By PurpleMoon

A message to anyone seeking more money from us!

Spotted this little chap today and felt he succinctly sums up how we are feeling at the moment.

Utility companies - another price rise - go away!

Phone/ISP company - another price rise - go away!

Insurers - another price rise - go away!

Petrol - another price rise - go away!

Wine - another price rise - go away! (the most devastating rise of all)

Oh, and not forgetting the latest on my blip of 17 Oct. More faults uncovered as a consequence of this little light showing - total estimate now £1,100 of which we've already splashed out £350 without a solution ... and the car is only worth £2,500!

Note to self: tomorrow MUST be a gloriously carefree, happy blip!!

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