Life Dancing

By lifedancing

Angel or Devil?

No, not me...him! (decided it's a he)

That's the way of Blip, you think you might have something in the bag, then the unexpected happens and turns everything on its head

GORGEOUS day in Edinburgh. Clear blue sky and bright sunshine.

Had time to walk between meetings and took many shots around St Johns Church at the West End. The old graveyard looked really beautiful and the play of shadows and sunlight, greenery and Autumn colours seemed like a gift.

Progressing along Castle Terrace, had fun trying to find interesting angles of Edinburgh Castle against the backdrop of bright blue.

Though Edinburgh Castle must have been photographed from every conceivable angle, for anyone not familiar with Edinburgh, Castle Terrace runs at the back of the castle and offers an alternative view from those often seen on postcards.

Other things caught my eye and today just seemed very, well... Blipful

And then...and THEN!!! As I continued along Castle Terrace this squirrel ran in front of me and stopped a few feet away.
Just as I grabbed for the camera he came charging towards me...I quickly took a few steps back (literally taken aback by his brazenness) as he didn't look like he would stop.
This began a pattern.
Each time I stopped, he'd get up on his hind legs, posture, then charge.
I'd step back, he'd run at me...

Some passers by had a good old laugh at this.
Thought they might distract his attention but nope...seems he only had eyes for me!
Obviously, I'm ahem, irresistible but doubt it was actually a courtship ritual!
In fact his movements were very similar to a Maori HAKA full of postures and ABSOLUTELY FEARLESS!

It was hard to compose myself to get a decent shot, either from shaking with giggles or having to keep stepping back, not wanting a nip to me ankles...and I was convinced he'd climb up on me in a heartbeat.

After managing a few shots then did a short sprint and that shook him off.

This is why on a colourful Blipfest of a day, am blipping a grey squirrel on a grey pavement! Last seen on a grassy verge beside the car park

If anyone who knows about the behaviour of squirrels DOES have a clue what that was all about, I'm curious to know

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