
Tentsmuir this afternoon for a car picnic then an hour or so of Bro4 and my childminding charge playing on the adventure playground. Bro4 has a new word(s)

Oooooh wobbly wobbly!!

He did fall over quite a lot but the bouncy carpet of pine needles cushioned his fall, I might need to get some in the house since his head required steri strips before he was even dressed this morning.

I made the mistake of requesting 10 minutes peace from all 4 Bros this morning to have a shower and get dressed, not much to ask really. No sooner had I stepped out the shower than a scream came from the living room. Bros2&4 up to mischief and Bros1&3 all too happy to revel in their good fortune of not being involved in such dastardly deeds. A wiping of tears and a couple of steri strips later all was well and I finally managed to get dressed. Quite how The Bros have never been late for school bar one stupidly snowy day last winter remains a mystery to me.

Talking of snowy winters, a new snow shovel is on the list.

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