Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

The Chihuahua by Margaret Greening

About 12 months ago i was contacted by pets as therapy and asked if I could get some photos taken of Roo and the other therapy chihuhuas,as they had been asked by the author of a book who would be doing a piece on chihuahuas used in therapy.

Chihuahuas never really get good press regarding therapy as most people expect them to be ankle snappers, but i have been really lucky with the ones I have(Kanga being the exception!).

Anyway time went on and I never heard anything and then a parcel arrived for me and low and be hold who is in the book but Roo.

So if you visit Pets at home look out for a book called the Chihuahua by Margaret Greening and turn to page 17 and catch a glimpse.

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