Yummy Yummy!

Today I took over my mum's blip on the fact that she misspells and that annoys me greatly. So when she kicked me off the computer to do her blip i stayed put and told her that I number 2 daughter (as I go by on blip) will take charge and come up with a blip that she has never done before.

However every time she lets me do her blip there is a challenge to come up with something that has never been done by her before, trust me that is a very hard challenge. So i did the one thing I know she isn't the best at and that is baking, or using the oven in general. I always remember when I was younger that the only garlic bread I saw was always a lovely black colour by the time she remembered about it.

So I decided to do this properly I had to put some effort into it and actually bake some homemade brownies. This seems like a win, win situation for me because I complete the challenge and also get some brownies to eat at the end of this. Its like a little prize for doing something my mum hasn't or taken a picture of something that my mum hasn't.

So let me tell you what I did today. I will keep it short and sweet for you. I got up, went to work, came home got bullied by my dogs to walk them (which since the puppy came along takes a bit longer because every one wants to stop and talk to her) and then made brownies. I know what you're thinking what a life for an 18 year old to lead. Anyhow I think that I have bored you enough so I will let you move on to read the next blip.

Have a good night and happy blipping.

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