
By hoodedpigwoman

Dancing Shoes

I've got a big night out coming up, and I'm in a bit of a quandary. Sarah, our social secretary, has once again organised a get-together for our uni friends, a heroic task for which she deserves enormous praise.

This time, however, a dress code has been stipulated, not a feature of previous nights out. Does this mean we're getting old? Sarah did sound slightly worried in the tone of her e-mail, asking for 'posh frocks'. I'm not sure if that was aimed at me.... ;)

Here's my problem: I've hardly been out for 2 years, and I now discover that all my respectable clothes are too big. The lycra stuff still fits, possibly a lot more respectably than it did before, but I don't think that's what she meant by 'posh'.

I've also been under the bed to see what sort of shoes I have. I found a couple of pairs I'd forgotten about, and these ones.... I hadn't forgotten them. They saw me through my early 20s, and they got a lot of use, as I think you can see. They look high but they're actually very comfortable, and as well as making shortarses look tall, they do wonders for your bum.

Frankly, though, they look a bit manky. I don't think I fancy putting them on, I'm not sure what they have absorbed over the years. But I'm not throwing them away yet.

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