Final Blip......

...well nearly. This palm has to go . I decided last year that it is getting too big so its days are numbered. This week it has produced these strange flowers. I had played golf this morning and have shopping to do so decided I would get a blip close to home.
I will blip the flowers on the palm I thought. Out I went. I leaned in to get a bit closer but wasn't really getting as close as I would have liked. I held on to one of the huge fan -like leaves and pulled myself up putting my foot on a rock that is under the plant. One shoe came off and before I knew it I was twisting and falling backwards. Fortunately I was not very high off the ground. I gave my rear-end a nasty crack on another rock and also my head but as luck would have it there were a lot of ferns where my head landed so it cushioned the fall well and I did not hurt my head.
I was well and truely shaken.
Blipping should come with a health warning as I seem to remember Flick falling off a ladder at some stage.
I did manage to hang on to my camera while all this was happening. If I had been a bit quicker I could have got a good action shot.
I have had a sit down, a drink and a couple of chocolates to calm me down.
Now off to do the shopping or no tea tonight.

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