Glory Days...

By emkingcol

Oh the memories!

Just starting to feel human again today! Much more productive in a busy day at work followed by a rush down to the school for parents evening.

Mays first one as well and things are going very well with both my girls making me very proud.

Slight negative being they play a bit to much with each other during break times so needed to have a little chat with them when we got home!

Kitchen still resembling a bomb site so yet another takeaway tonight, this time a return to the pizzas at the local Chinese. Now, we have deserted these pizzas since the local dominos started delivering to our village, however, there is something very special about these pizzas. Could be the inch deep cheese or the bits of dry kebab they put on the top and pass off as spicy beef. Feel sick now though.

Just realised I have wrote more about my pizza than I have parents evening. Not sure I will win dad of the year for this week!!

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