The Wren

By TheWren

An afternoon's saunter

We had a very busy day taking the boys to swimming lessons and then in the afternoon Ben joined Cara and me for a walk along the Thames - this time I had my camera with me! We saw lots of geese, coots and mallards and a couple of swans. The latter were very interested in Cara but she was very wary of them, simply barking and then running from them. I spotted these two colourful canoeists but by the time I had my camera ready they had passed by - but luckily we were still walking when they returned and this time I was ready. It is interesting to see that the geese on the water simply carried on swimming as the canoeists ploughed through the middle of them - they are obviously impervious to all sorts of river traffic. Cara again had a great time jumping in and out of the river and then chasing Ben on his scooter.

The evening became very busy and I did not have the opportunity to put this blip up yesterday.

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