A slice of solace

By curlywurlygurly

My fluting tooting fingers

This is a photo taken by my lovely mate and colleague from Bury, Lancashire. He's called John Greenwood and is fantastic photographer and also a musician too. When I lived up north John and I formed Noteworthy and began working together as community musicians. We were based in the Mosses Centre already as volunteers for a local learning disabilities charity called Bury Gateway.
Things progressed from there. We put together two Christmas concerts with our LD adults singing, dancing and acting in sketches John and I had written.
We then worked with the asylum seekers group by teaching groups and individuals to play keyboard and guitar. We also jammed with the folks who wanted to immerse in their indigenous music.
The other group we worked with was the preschool nursery group. I also put the nursery leaders through their paces and taught them how to play keyboard to accompany the children's songs.
Gosh, we did quite a lot to be proud of!

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