A Slow Life

By Sootmouth

Movember: Day Two

I forgot that my face falls off whenever I shave my beard. I've been wandering around today with a tube of Nivea Intensive Mosturiser - very masculine I know - frequently applying it whenever another piece of skin crumbles away.

Shaving today wasn't much of a success either. I'm ambitiously aiming for a trucker type mo' with a couple of curves at the bottom but I'm not too sure my follicles, or my shaving skills, are up to it. Time will tell.

Shirt: A blue and grey floral number - a gift, like so many of my shirts, from my elder brother George.

Accessory: Reading glasses. I recently reached the stage were $10 reading specs just weren't cutting it. The frames of this pair are Tommy Hilfiger - I'd never have bought them if I'd realised in the shop!

Expression: Happy, or at least my best approximation of it.

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