Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Stop the Chop - The Saga Continues

A while ago I posted a blip of some protestors with their Rooster Sabien in Civic Park. He was wearing a bib which said I love the figs. It has been an ongoing drama about the removal of these 80 year old fig trees in Laman St. The mayor, an independent, has been assisting the Save the Fig party and scheduling extra-ordinary Council meetings and politicking but he doesn't have enough of the other councillors on side.

Today was going to be d day and the chain saws were moving in. Behind this barricade are police and security to keep the protestors out and the workmen were getting ready. The protestors on this side of the barricade were shouting stop the chop, had drums going and generally were carrying on a peaceful protest. You can see the doomed figs behind. At the 11th hour they got an injunction to stop the work and so we move on to chapter 53987. You might like to see some of the signs but you will need to go large. I'll keep you posted....

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