Five things

By fivethings

City Centre

1. It's been a while since I've had a right good proper crabbitt Tuesday. I can't work out if this is because Tuesday's recently haven't made me crabbitt or if I've been equally crabbitt every day and couldn't tell the difference. Either way, I'm pretty crabbitt.

2. To Edinburgh for a meeting at the Union which, I'll be honest, I haven't managed very well. I have a bit of a sinking feeling, but it passes and ideas take over.

3. I have some time to kill between the meeting ending and the show starting across town. I'm heading for the Cameo to kill time, which involves a truly lovely stroll through Edinburgh City Centre at rush hour. It doesn't sound like it should be lovely, but the sky is lit with the sunset and as Princes street is closed there is a peacefulness on the pavements that you don't usually find.

4. I have a half hour til the film starts. I sit in the warm cafe with my book and wait with some food. It's a really enjoyable way to pass my time. The film, however, is not either enjoyable or a particularly good way to pass time. On the plus side I am delighted to see that the Cameo have given the ladies loos a badly needed makeover.

5. So to the Lyceum for 27 and the post show talk tonight with the director and cast. This is the second time I've seen the show and exactly the same thing happened - around 10 minutes after it ended I cried.

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