Welcome to My Crazy Life

By theedork


So I wanted to start this journal on November 1st so it could be like a nice starting day but of course I forgot to take a picture yesterday so here I am starting on November 2.

This picture is of the tree right outside my window. I felt it was appropriate for several reasons. First, it is fall and so the trees are changing and looking all pretty. Second, I spent four hours yesterday measuring a total of 600 leaves with my lab group for our ecology project. And third, I am spending 90% of today in my room writing up the introduction and methods section for my lab report on these 600 leaves. So you see, very appropriate.

That's all I really have to say right now. I should be writing my lab report so I'll get back to doing that I guess.

P.S. I can sadly inform you that this tree is a pin oak. Just in case you wanted to know.

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