My Eyes Mind

By Miakarina

Lesson Learned!

My lesson learned today: When a sign says ROAD CLOSED do not ignore it!!!!

In my desperate attempt to try to get a decent photo to post today I decided to drive down this road where I knew I could get one. Afterall, another driver had done it just before me and he seemed to be OK. And, I was just at this spot I wanted to get to a week ago Sunday before the storm to do some photography and got some good ones.

Well, I meandered my way around downed trees that were blocking the road and got within a few hundred yards of where I wanted to go. I then encountered power lines lying across the road and hanging down from the poles. How frustrating. I was too afraid to proceed and had to do a 10 point turn to get out of there. I was really nervous.

I am just frustrated at the moment because I have not been able to post a photo that I would really like to show. I was just in Maine for the week of October 10 and have some pretty good shots of lighthouses and foliage but unfortunately I did not sign up for blipfoto until I returned. I should have signed up before I left because I did not realize that you could not go back in time even if the photos were taken on those previous days. Oh well, maybe another journey somewhere is in order.

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