Or Titsy? The big plastic raptor sits on the roof of the building opposite (there are two in total) and is there to keep the gulls and pigeons and so on away. They even move (hence the power cable) with the head tilting and the wings flapping every now and then. On a conference call this morning I was staring out the window (as you do) and spotted a Great Tit alight up the great plastic beast's heid. Not a great shot, and even Google is failing to find me the necessary Photoshop tips to get rid of the lines of the blinds through which I was having to shoot (I got one fired off and that was it).
However, it brightened up an otherwise hectic day. In for a meeting at 8.30. The one at 5 was cancelled, but having only had less than a couple of hours in total at the desk to do my actual work I wound up having to sit in after hours to complete a few bits of work. Annoying work. Work that I've drafted half a dozen times; work on which I've been told that 'we want legal to give a strong steer on this'; work which has then after one meeting been completely discarded and new wording asked to be drafted with a 'strong steer'. Sigh.
But. The training session we were running today went really well; and the difference in opinion with a senior colleague came down to the fact that he wasn't looking at the most recent draft of a document. Tempered, once more, by the thought that the project on which 'strong steers' are sought is now to have daily 8.30am conference calls on the legal issues. Pah. Why is the weekend so far away?
Ooh, and confirmation tonight that we're going to have our new bathroom in before Christmas. 28th November and a week and a half of upheaval begins.
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