Some days I've had to cycle or run a long way to secure my blip for the day. Today was not such a day. This was taken within a few seconds of waking up, from by studio balcony. I saw the mist rising up to enshroud the Cow and Calf crags, then noticed the wonderful patterning in the high cirrus clouds, and immediately grabbed the camera. I don't take it to bed with me as I once joked with someone that I did, but I do have it sitting very close by. This is the third time now that I've miraculously grabbed my blip for the day before getting that initial morning cup of tea which is normally so essential for sensible cognitive function. The first was Jewels in the Gutter (still the blip which has more stars than any other), and then we had the infamous Equinox Duck!.
No ridiculous deadlines to stress me out at the moment, but I'm now having to catch up with all the jobs that had to be put on hold while working so frantically this last week or so. Being the eternal optimist that I am, I truly thought that this week I'd be able to catch up with all those who have recently subscribed, kindly awarded me hearts and, of course, left comments. What was I thinking? I love hopping from journal to journal to see what everyone has been blipping, but every journal is so interesting, with such great photographs, that I can't help myself from getting well and truly sucked in to each one, and the time just disappears.
It's so much part of my nature to want to respond back to people that I'm having to fight back feelings of guilt when I'm not able to reciprocate the way I would like. So, if you're one of the people whom I've not managed to engage with recently, or thank personally for a heart or a subscription, then please forgive me. I would hate to come across as rude! The novelty of the excitement at seeing those links to new comments and notifications has not worn off yet. I don't think it ever will. It means so much to me.
I absolutely love all the comments, and I love sharing my world and ramblings with so many people. I feel this fantastic vicarious pleasure from blipping what I see when I'm out walking, running or cycling. Your appreciation of my blips makes me appreciate my surroundings more myself, and opens my eyes even wider to the wonder of the world we live in. It is the most magical positive feedback loop!
I can feel myself getting carried away so perhaps I better stop at this point. I'm still at the office and need to get home for something to eat. Entering blipworld often feels like entering a timewarp!
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