Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac


A brilliant end to a full on day, with meetings, a conference, a speech, plus checking in with the team on all the plans for our big event next week.

But tonight headed along to the chimp house at Edinburgh Zoo - called the Bodongo Trail - for the launch of a new motivational training/speaking service aimed at young people and communities. It was a sparkling and fun event all round - mindreading and polo mints with a mind of their own featured! - but the inspired thing was having it in this venue. It was just so so wonderful to watch the chimps up close - I almost can't find the words to describe how it feels to see them and see ourselves at the same time, in them. An incredible thing.

Met so many fab people today - some old friends, others are now new ones - and it was good to round it off with some joy and laughter, as well as that connection to these wonderful beings.

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