Work in Progress!

I'm in charge of props for our next production - A Place Called Christmas - which will be staged early December.
The story revolves around five toys left behind in the toy workshop on Christmas Eve - they are eventually given to children in an orphanage, and the director has asked me to produce five replica toys which the children who play the orphans will carry on stage for the walk-down at the end of the show.
Progress so far:
Teddy: purchased a teddy bear to match the bear outfit worn by the actress.
Soldier: purchased knitted toy which will hopefully match the hired soldier outfit.
Rag Doll: purchased from charity shop but have to dress it to match actress.
Jack in the Box: Started making yellow and pink outfit for the actress.
Musical Box Doll: Purchased a doll but can't dress it until the actress has her costume made.
String Puppet: Haven't a clue what the actor is going to wear so haven't even started on the toy!!

In the meantime I am attending rehearsals twice a week and standing in for missing people. Last night I was the Soldier and the Puppet at the same time!! I'll be suffering from identity crisis before long.!!

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