A Makeover

Now is the disaster of my discontent
Made glorious gateau by this timely feat;
And all the despair that lo'wr'd upon my brow
In the deep bosom of my memory buried.

With apologies to the bard (or his ghost writer if you believe what is being touted).

Yes my cake of last week has exited the freezer to have a mandarin makeover in readiness for the ladies' soirée this evening.

Although it looks acceptable, the proof of the pudding, as it were, will be in the eating thereof. I will serve it with Greek yoghurt and hopefully the enigmatic middle will go unnoticed.

Despite the shop displays of sledges and snow shovels, we have another gloriously mild day of sunshine with the trees outside shedding their leaves to make a thick russet carpet on the paths.

The omens weren't good at 7am when I exited the house for a power walk to find it raining. Darkness seems to diminish the perception of the heaviness of rain, so that while I deemed it not worth while turning back I returned one very wet lady.

None of the young joggers sprinting past me yesterday was in evidence this morning; fair weather exercisers who were astute enough to wait until it got light, when miraculously the rain stopped. Sod's law at work.

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