By ANDY597

Miners Memorial

Very busy day today

It is Ruby Sitting day today and Im up early, mostly down the the fact that Connie was snoring like a barnyard animal and then her alaram was going off . However, having said that I had an extra two hours than I have done for the rest of the week.

Connie leaves for work, leaving Ruby in charge of daddy and a to do list of stuff to do as I have a memory like a sieve.

Im expecting the salvage people to come and get the subaru today and so I look out our little side window as I thought I heard a truck.

On the little window sill of the little side window there is one of those automatic air freshners that click and pump when you move past it. So I go to look out the window and poof, i get a face full of oriental glade flowers. Not only did I just about brick it, im stumbly towards the door with squinting eyes, half blind, smelling like I've just harpic'd myself. Needless to say the truck driver gave me a funny look and hands me a slip of paper before hauling away my once nice impreza.

Looking in the letterbox I have a final demand notice for the speeding fine from australia, with a bit of luck they are going to deport me back to OZ for unpaid fines.

I jump in the shower as I have to take Ruby to nursery today and once again I get the whats that question, so I give her the You know what that is, I have already explained it to you before. She says a soldier ? Yes darling a soldier.

You can see her little mind ticking over here, and she says is it just daddys that have soldiers, I say no, all boys have soldiers, she says, what even little boys. I say yes darlin, even little boys. She says, what about boyfriends. I say yep, them too.

She goes, I have a boyfriend. I was so taken aback I could have slipped on the soap and its lucky i didnt as everybodies heard about those nasty accidents with toilet brushes.

I says, whats his name, she says Lewis, he is three like me and he's my boyfriend and he starts my nursery next week. I was like, Ok..... And does Lewis know he's your boyfriend? She says not yet.

I take the bairn down to nursery and plug in my Ear Phones, ive got my boy band jeans on, you know the kind, they are hanging three quarters off my ass. They are actually just my slouchy jeans that dont fit very well, but you get the idea. Im listening to the black eyed peas and Ive got a bit of a slow swagger on while taking some photos on the way home. Its gloriously warm here today and I cant believe Im still wearing a t-shirt in November. Right now, in the particular moment life is just tip top tastic and Im rocking out and Im feeling more 20 something rather than middle age teal.

I spent some time looking at cars and have seen a couple I will attempt to view at the weekend, so fingers crossed for me pop pickers.

After I pick the girls up from school, they take me up stairs and tell me to be the patient in their doctors game. Luckily, after a full xray, cat scan and keyhole thingymabob, they have fixed my broken foot, sore arm, shoulder, headache, toothache, faceache, worn out ears and have checked my chinny chin chin. After a rigourous course of home surgery, pretend bandages and plastic things stuck in various parts, I have been given a new lease of life except im minus one sock.

This weeks non mover on the chart show. Jimmy Saville.

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