Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

J Edgar

Meeting London Blipper Challenge at the World Premier. Can't shake off my cold, but who cares right now!

PS We can't bring our cameras and I don't have a TV to record it.

Just home - hugs from Clint Eastwood, Leonardo di Caprio, Armie Hammer, Naomi Watts.. what a night!

So the story is, after the movie was finished and we crossed the road back to the Roosevelt Hotel, Armie Hammer (remember from Social Network), was hanging out in the crowds so I got his autograph and the paparazzi got a pic of us as most of the crowds weren't dressed up in a long evening gown and so later at the gala party, I went up to him again and because he recognised me, but didn't know from where, he did a big movie star "Oh, it's so good to see you!" and gave me a big hug, then probably thinking, Hey, who the hell are you? Anyway.. the movie... wow a really must see. Leonardo diCaprio is sure Oscar material and afterwards when I was shaking his hand breathing in his 2nd hand cigar smoke, I suddenly thought, "Hey, you're not supposed to be smoking in a public place in LA"

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