
By sixdegrees

I'm with Islander Fan

lol, what's Jess' toothbrush doing a hockey game?!
(I'm starting to wonder if she's actually developing a psychotic disorder.)

ANYWAY! Today, Lyndsay invited me to come to an Islander game with her, her dad, and her brother Sammy! (Also known as T-bone.) It was sosososo much fun! My uncle was there, too. If you look in the bottom left corner, you might be able to see him. This is T-bone with his spirited face make-up. When we were at dinner beforehand, we were talking about what we were going to do on our faces for the team, and he says, "Hey, you know those shirts that say, 'I'm with Stupid'? What if you wrote in big letters on my face, I'M WITH ISLANDER FAN.' Get it?!" We then thought of a hundred other genius things to write on his face.

I got a picture with a sandwhich and almost saw my uncle and got a free wash cloth and Lyndsay almost got on the big screen! and then I slept in her house.

Lyndsay and her brother got into a HUGE fight with her dad when we got back to their house. Over? A free poster that came in the mail, of a car. Their father told them that he liked me the best out of the three of us because of it.

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