The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Swan Wake

Almost the same spot as yesterday on the River Bela, only a swan and not a goose, the ripples are more corrugations, and there was no morning sunlight.

This one is for TMLHereAndThere in Bahrain, who may be listening to The Swan by Saint-Saens as she reads this.

I also need to mention Willoughby who immediately responded to the Kendal otter challenge by producing the first Kendal otter blip, and at a different location to the one we were expecting. And she managed it with her iPhone too. Genius.

This is almost a backblip. I've been to an evening meeting of the surveyors involved in the monitoring of lowland wet grassland wading birds in Cumbria. As with so many conservation stories, there is a sad story of decline in the fortunes of our breeding redshanks, snipes, lapwings and curlews. Though through careful management of targetted sites we are making a difference. But there is still so much to do.

I'm sorry to be so behind with comments, and will try and catch up tomorrow. Thanks for bearing with me.

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