Capital adventures

By marchmont

Je suis stressee

My own fault.

This says it all - took two ear rings out of the drawer and put them on the coffee table, now sitting in the hall, where else? 30 minutes later decided not to wear them but when I went to put them away, only 1 ear ring on the table.

Tonight, after a long lunch with A at 'Angels and Bagpipes' (leaving blipless) and the choir committee meeting (how did I end up membership secretary?) I came home, still blipless and thought I'd blip the 1 ear ring but it was out of focus. I went to put it away but IT'S DISAPPEARED.

I can't cope. I feel like the flat is conspiring against me. This is all M's fault. I shouldn't be having to live like this.

Molly, meanwhile, doesn't look stressed, but she is - she told me, so it must be true.

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