The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

The Help

"Cat got on the porch this morning, bout give me a cadillac arrest thinking it was Mister Johnny"

Reading The Help at the moment and loving it, the only issue being the accent I read in, if that makes sense... The book is set in Jackson, Mississippi, so as I read I end up imagining this really strong 'Southern' accent... Get a good giggle out of reading sentences like the one above.

You lot were lucky I blipped early yesterday, post-lunchtime things just went from bad to worse! I don't think the day wanted to go to plan, so many things went wrong... First having to bring the horse in and not having another to leave in for company, meaning as soon as I left he started screaming the place down. Then driving to Inverurie in thick fog with a million dickheads riding on my bumper regardless of the fact I had a learner in front of me for nearly the whole way. Arrived at my grans so stressed I didn't feel safe driving her to RDA, meaning I subjected both of us to her unparalleled disregard of roundabout etiquette. A cadillac arrest ensued. Arrived at the riding school in complete darkness because the mains switch had been tripped by lightening earlier that day. Spent forever locating the fuse box. Found it. Flipped the switch, and started catching horses. At which point we noticed a distinct lack of volunteers as nobody had bothered to phone ahead to say they wouldn't be coming. Riders began arriving before horses were even groomed. Due to the lack of helpers the lessons were rushed to fit in an extra ride for the kids who needed more than one helper. I'll stop there before steam starts coming out of my ears! Got home around 11pm, flippin' shattered!

Today was meant to be a better one, sadly I slept in and missed my first uni lecture. Going to head in for the one at 1pm instead :P

Sorry for the rant by the way, and there I was thinking I'd spare you all the detail! Guess it means I can look back on this blip when i'm having a shit day and realise that it could be worse :)

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