Friday Foto

By drmackem

It's Friday - Honest!

So the plan was to blip once a week, but having the week off work has encouraged me to blip daily, and now it's Friday I fear that I've indulged too much and have now have developed a blip dependancy, I've not yet told my wife then extent of my exposure.

Last night I read Sam and Annaka Harris' book - Lying (a Kindle short), which got me thinking quite a lot. So are we lying when we crop, edit, enhance and project our photos here, there's a whole thread of discussion out there about this aspect of digital photography. My take on it is that what we are about is probably OK in that the viewer is not being deceived, it's not even a white lie. The deal is that we take photo's and post images that might be "real"istic, or altered in their asthetic and share them. There are rules in the community - what we might call the frame, within the frame it's ok to play.

Not much playing with this picture of the swing bridge over the Wharfe in Ilkley, a minor crop to remove some distracting branches, a tweek of the shadows and a slight up in the green. (I'll admit to a bit of plagarism too - my friend Mark has a similar capture in B&W that probably subconciously brought me to take this, looking at it again, I see that his skills are considerable and mine nascent).The morning here was cloudy and rainy and dull, so the planned landscape didn't occur, this bridge and the "Old Bridge" Ilkley are lovely - no doubt more of them later.

Away for the weekend with Linda's family for the annual family gathering which will be fun. Not sure of the IT/t'internet capability so may be back blipping on Sunday night.

Have a good Friday - (and weekend)

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