A Dog's Paws

Today Snuffles went to get her first trim. I didn't stay I left her there as I couldn't stay and listen to her cry. Call me a woos if you like!

She looks so different now but wasn't in the greatest mood when we first brought her home and she is still a little grumpy this afternoon, especially with me!! It's my fault as I took her there I suppose. A little while ago she got her revenge and went out the back and dug a hole heading for Australia!! She no longer looked like the fluffy little clean puppy we collected a few hours ago.

She is a little growly and had a right good bark at me and just snapped at Katie and scratched her finger (no blood has been drawn though) - I know she is a baby but is this normal when they are little or should she be going to behaviour classes?? Am I doing something wrong?

I also got her weighed today at the vets and she is now 3.1kgs. So gaining weight well. Asked about getting her bits done and they said she would have stitches in for 10days - didn't really expect that either. Ah well it's all new to me this puppy lark.

Any helpful comments would be appreciated.


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