
By strawhouse


I took loads of shots this morning of the grass verge on the lane leading out of our village. I happily snapped away and didn't notice that the camera was on manual and I hadn't given a thought to the settings. Doh!
But I really like this one! How funny that you can get a decent shot completely by accident.
Miss E has been much more human today. I think she realised that yesterday she pushed me as far as she ever has.
She even banished me from the living room while she prepared a "surprise"for me. I was eventually summoned in to see that she'd tidied up piled up all the clothes, toys, shoes, keys, remotes and all the other stuff strewn about the floor into a big heap under the curtains. She beamed at me and said "I've tidyied up. I wanted to make you happy"
That made me want to cry in a much better way than yesterday!
Thank you for all your words of support yesterday. It's reassuring to know they're all the same!

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