Arty Farty Day

We kept the Cygnet up this morning as I was going to have my eyes tested.

That is always an 'interesting' experience ....... they always seem intent on blinding you by making you look at out of focus images, shining lights bright enough to hit the moon into and using high pressure air hoses on your already failing eyes.

They then hit you with silly charges for glasses after saying "yes - you are as blind as a bat and need stronger lenses".
Still, I didn't have to pay for the test as my sight had got worse - and I didn't have to pay for a non reflective coating on them.
I just would have prefered t pay less for the glasses and got a 2nd set free - but you can't have everything.

Before heading home we got a phone call requesting a taxi ..... our sick friends daughter had an emergency doctors apointment and she couldn't leave her mother alone as she was having a bad day and kept on turning on the cooker and putting dry clothes in the dryer and setting it to run for 2 hours.
So to prevent half of the Lothian and Borders emergency services turning up we went over, SWMBO and the Cygnet looked after the fire starter and I took the sickly girl to the doctor and back.

While waiting I thought I would be arty and take an urban view of the decidedly unhealthy loooking fire exit from the doctor and pharmacy.

Because the Cygnet hadn't had a morning nap he tried falling asleep in his lunch ........ so he went hungry and got put to bed.
Poor chap.

When SWMBO nipped into the supermarket to buy provitions for our tea I headed over to the weird sculpture to get farty again.
I had hoped to get the nice sunset behind it - but the building got in the way.

Now I am sitting and trying to catch up on Blip and suchlike and listening to my new best buddy - Seasick Steve

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