Diana_Field Photography

By dianafieldphoto

308 / 365 - Sweaty Betty Order Arrived!

So my order arrived, all beautiful clothes. I ordered in size S thinking it would fit, but everything is too baggy. So I call up to organize an exchange to find everything in the XS sizes have gone, so I order a jacket instead to exchange, order the wrong size, cancel, and order it in XS. Now my bank account shows no money in my account, so I can't exchange for a smaller pair of leggings...

I call up, say it takes 14 days now for the cancelled money to appear back in my account, plus the refunds as well. :O This means I have nearly no money now to get me through the last few days of filming for BOTB.

I get told I can refund at 'any UK store'. So I drive the hour to Guildford and get told I can refund online items there. :( Get told it's 15 minutes to Chobham so drive there. My sat nav breaks, so I just take her directions. 25 minutes pass and I'm still not even in Woking yet, I run out of fuel, time and money as I break down in tears and then find a fuel station... and try to make my way home after a long wasted journey on no lunch or dinner either after listening to the call centre's lies about how I could refund in store. I couldn't. :(

Thanks for ruining my day Sweaty Betty and making me late for work. Emotionally drained, tired, upset and angry.

The only good things I could keep were my now own Fit Flops and not my mum's ugly pair that I used to borrow, and a beautiful swimsuit as well!

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