'Eyes Like Stars'

By ZombieButterfly

Bah humbug.

When I was a kid Christmas and my birthday were something to look forward to as I waited all year for those two consecutive days. Now it's a chore and I don't like either. Saying that, it's possibly two days off work if I'm lucky. I ordered three presents off of Amazon last night, wrapped two today and hopefully I don't have much more to do!

But the idea of Christmas is giving and being lovely (I'm not religious so for me that's what it's about) and on my way back home last night I heard something wonderful which gave me faith in humanity. A guy had his arm around the shoulders of a lady, she was pulling a shopping trolley (not a supermarket one, those ones only old ladies had until people realised it was better than carrying bags) with a bag on top. Nothing unusual there. The guy stopped two girls in front of me and I heard him explain that he met the lady that day while she was working. He then found out she was homeless and told her to bring her belongings to meet him as she could live with him. She had the biggest smile and so did he. What a lovely thing.

PS. Please, if you have a bonfire, please DO NOT light it until you have done thorough checks and made sure hedgehogs are not under it. I know it's dark (I forgot to add this while I uploaded the photo earlier and it's now 5pm) but any hiding under there may be comfortable not moving for a while longer, so PLEASE check and if you find one, please move it to a safe location far away from the bonfire.

I hope all the animals out there are safe, please think about people and animals that don't enjoy the fireworks and bonfires. Have fun and stay safe x

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