
By woolyme

Koi Show

Yes there is such a thing, I went to it today at Clapham in West Sussex.

They take this very seriously, I was amaized at how many there were!

Each are put into a big plastic childrens swimming pool and they are judged and looked after really well, they have a green awning over the fish so they dont 'boil in the bag' The pumps are on all the time to get fresh oxygen into them. You can ask the staff to turn off the pump if you want to take photos, but if you wait till they swim around the other side you dont need to bother them with this.

I really had a great time, they had a craft fair there too, someone was selling cross stitch pictures, funny thing was it was most of the ones I have done myself so I didnt need them!

However there was two other stalls that took my eye, a book stall 50p each so i bought a couple and the fudge stall.....ermm yes well least said soonest eaten!
Then one other stall that really caught my attention selling russian dolls, but not just russian girl dolls but from Elvis to cats even finding nemo. He also sold some carvings from a very hard nut that looks like Ivory its called the Tagua Nut. its a type of palm tree, in sub tropical climates. A real collectors item, I have the lady's number and will buy a couple as I loved them so much but didnt have the cash.
So i may have to blip them soon too.

Wonderful day, must go and eat my fudge....

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