Nugent from Freemantle

Obligatory Firework Night shot here!

So after doing a bit of tile removal here in Cotham (and slicing my finger open on a broken tile which produced an impressive amount of blood) Son #1 and I walked around the streets of Cotham and Kingsdown looking for some late afternoon blip opportunities.

Kingsdown has cobbled streets galore and a gutter shot was definitely on!

Gutter shot taken and rejected it was on to a panorama. I have a slight addiction to them at the moment and Bristol presents a lot of opportunities.

This one shows Nugent Hill and St Andrews beyond seen from Freemantle Road.

Thought I might pursue the less is more ethos of yesterday with this shot but it was roundly rejected by the family even though instinct told me it was the one I should use.

Back home and we are going to have a small scale around the brazier firework night. Big shows can wait until the boys are a bit older.

Marshmallows and hot chocolate are easily produced in your own garden.

Am feeling a bit highly strung this week. In my mind, I was really mellow in my twenties and fairly laid back in my thirties.

As 42 is officially the happiest age (or was it 38?) this highly strung feeling has to go. Maybe there's a link to my night time issues but I suspect running or mountain biking is the solution to all of the above!

Horrible crash on the M5 places everything into perspective. Poor people.

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