Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


On the promise of a cheap lunch we drove over to Ripon today for Yorkshires tastiest pork pies at Appletons on the Market Square, warm moist pork wrapped in a perfect crust, what more can a man want. Following a walk around the town and clicking away with my camera looking for that one shot to Blip we popped over to this grand old hotel for my nearest & dearest to use the little girls room ( god forbid she should use a public convenience), The Ripon Spa Hotel is a wonderful building which over the years has lost some of it shine, still a privately run establishment, it suffers from a lack of investment and is looking tired because of it, they still have a thriving Croquet Club and the grounds are used for national tournaments but I shouldn't think that would keep the money rolling in. The first apartment we brought sit next door and the views from our windows were over the gardens, a very peaceful place to spend lazy weekends I always thought. by the time we left this fair City to drive back over the moors for home the heartburn had set in with a vengeance, that will teach me, at lease until the next time I fancy a pork pie!

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