Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Bommie Night

Work was such a pain this morning due to the computer system...arrghhh...drives me up the wall. I do enjoy working with Laura though so that was one good thing.

While I was at my Mum's to pick up the boys, my Auntie called around to see them so that was a nice surprise.

Went shopping with the boys...Lewis wanted some new game for the PS3 and we also called in the pound shop, Trisha, so we managed to pick up the cap guns (send me an email with your address).

Went to a fantastic bonfire/fireworks display which is put on by the Scouts Association. We go to this display every year and it gets better and better. The bonfire was huge and the fireworks display is all high-tech and done to music. There is something fascinating about fire and fireworks...I like watching both. After the display, Graham suggested that we call in at McDonalds for a treat for the boys. I didn't want to go to the one in the same town as the display because I knew it would be ultra busy but Graham thought it would be fine. It wasn't, it was chaos....they were queueing out of the doors. Graham queued for about half an hour while we sat at a table. To add to the mayhem a teenage lad kindly opened the door and set off a banger before running away. It was really loud and just a couple of feet away from us. Luckily, it didn't do any damage. Stupid thing to do when the place was full of people, mainly children. The next minute, the place was over run with about 12 community police officers!! Just mad....all this for 3 apple pies, one McFlurry and regular fries!! (That was for five, not each!!!) The only good thing was that somebody had left an unwanted Happy Meal toy (Tin Tin) which Rowan was thrilled with seeing as we never have Happy Meals, being veggie. (We only have Sad Meals)

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