As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Ali In The Jungle

We were all prepared as best as we could be. We trained all season for this. In truth, we've been training since July first. We ran our hardest today, but it didn't work out. I'm okay with that. Everyone gave their all, and that's nothing to mope around about. I did run a PR, though. 18:02. So. Close. Next year for sure. After our race, we cooled down and ran to the crater. It was cool just to sit with the team for a while. Then we went back and I went for cool down part 2 with the girls and got many pictures like this, but this one is my favorite. Then Danny almost lost to Grace in a wrestling match... The bus ride home was uncomfortable because Vinny sat on me the whole way. We all got cleaned-up and went to the Reilly's for an end of season party. It was quite the shin-dig. We all had a great time, except for when Danny wrestled Abby and laid on her, screaming at her to tap out as she cried for her mommy....she's three.

What. A. Day.

Word of the Day: Quean - An overly forward, impudent woman; shrew; hussy

#27 ~ "We seem to gain wisdom more readily through our failures than through our successes. We always think of failure as the antithesis of success, but it isn't. Success often lies just the other side of failure" - Leo F. Buscaglia

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