
By tookie

Twanah State Park

This is just one of many lovely state parks along the Hood Canal where we took a ride around today. A link to Twanah State Park is here This scene here is looking across the waters from the State Park.

Hood Canal is the only true saltwater fjord in the lower United States and until yesterday I was unaware of this fact. We drove to a couple lovely parks and also stopped for lunch at a resort in called Aldebrook Resort in Union Wa. It's lovely and right on the Hood Canal waters. here

We explored a nursery that had a garden self tour and stopped at a lovely winery---got some pear wine that we've always liked. The hooligans came along --they ride so well you don't even know they are there. They got a couple on leash outings but tomorrow deserve a big off leash romp at a dog park! So a nice escape day was had and the weather--predicted to be bad--was those weather reports. Have a great Sunday!

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