With One Eye Wide Open


Balmoral Cemetery

I'm normally good with maps but the streets of Brisbane has always baffled me. 75% of the time I get lost but good things always come out of it. I always find interesting places that I wouldn't have found if I went straight from A to B.

I drove past this cemetery 3x today and decided to go back there after I left a friends place. I've never taken photos in a cemetery before and though the idea of walking in a strange cemetery on my own late Sunday afternoon was a bit unnerving, I thought there would at least be 2 more hours before sunset and the undead wouldn't dare come out in broad daylight!!!

So armed with my camera I explored this strange isolated place. The birds kept me company and it was quite peaceful to walk up and down the graves and read what was written on the tombstones. The earliest grave I saw was dated 1900 and although I tried to search for an earlier one but my courage started to fail me as the sky started to lose light. So much for my bravery! :)

This tombstone caught my attention coz of the dates of death. There are four people buried here and seems the two children passed away before the parents. One died at 4 1/2 and the other at 22 years of age. Very sad and losing one child is bad enough let alone lose two! My they rest in peace.

Once again, I fought the urge to post the B&W version. I thought this coloured version had a warm feeling to it which is in complete contrast with the subject of death. Besides, I really did experience a warm feeling to the place which was really odd if you think about it.

Apologies if some might find this blip a bit morbid.

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