For the family

By RonaMac

A busy morning in the garden

It was an imitation of Heathrow for birds on a busy day this morning. Mostly tits, sparrows and robins (it might just have been one, but if so it must be resting now as it expended so much energy)

I hadn't planned to blip this as it was taken through the window again and I didn't think that the tit had stayed still long enough to be anything but a blur. The alternative blip will keep for another day (one of the fun results of my shopping trip yesterday)

Today is busy preparing for a study day in London tomorrow. Most of our small team are meeting up with the Big Boss ( who they haven't yet met), for some clinical updating and a session at the end of the afternoon for team members only, to have a chance to say what they think and plan for the future. It will be "fun" !!! The only drawback is that as the professional lead I will have the notes from the meeting to do. Yet more notes / minutes, a job I hate.

In order to keep up the spirits, some staff will have set off from home before 6am, I will do some baking this afternoon, not sure what yet, but something that will travel well in the bag with the laptop etc. I bought a "spare" cake from the butcher / bakers in the village just in case everything goes pear shaped this afternoon and the results of my baking are not suitable to share.

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